About Me

Short: I'm a YA author represented by the amazing Jamie Bodnar Drowley of Inklings Literary Agency for my YA Urban Fantasy novel entitled Judges & Contemporary NA Edge of Chaos. I'm a military spouse who married her best friend, has incredibly awesome children, and a spoiled english bulldog named Whiskey. 

Long: My love of books started before I could actually read, when my Nana read me Peter Rabbit. Her copy was a small square book, brightly colored with brilliant illustrations, but with a fraying binding because she'd read it to my Father and Uncle when they were little boys. I made her read it every time we visited and I can now proudly say she's given me the book since I cherish it so. 

I wrote my first story in kindergarten. It was about three ice cream cones that take a road trip. Strawberry was the wild one, Vanilla the boring one, and Chocolate was the smartest and most awesome one, naturally. I don’t remember how it ends but I think they ended up running into a banana and split...(okay bad joke but I couldn’t resist!) 

As I got older my stories filled notebooks and usually took priority over my schoolwork--a habit I carried on through college. 

Luckily, I found time to graduate with a Bachelors degree in English with a focus on creative writing (big shocker right?) 

Between writing and reading I managed to meet my best friend in college and ended up marrying him five years later. He is wonderfully supportive of my dreams of having a book on the shelf someday and he reads and re-reads scenes, early drafts, and even sentences I find pesky, without complaint...no really he does! He’s usually the first pair of eyes on the worst first drafts and he’ll even reenact certain scenes with me to test their believability...I’m not making this up, he’s that awesome! 

On this blog I’ll post details as they arise on the status of my novel, writing tips, my experiences on the road to publication, and I’ll even host giveaways. Any writers looking for advice on querying or the steps to take to finding an agent, feel free to contact me at mollylee14(at)hotmail(dot)com. 

And as always, Happy Reading! 


  1. It's always the 1st novel that we dither over, isn't it? I wonder if it's because it's what got us started in the 1st place...?
